A new version of PartyBid is available.

PartyBid is the protocol for buying NFTs as a team. Start a party on any NFT, contribute ETH with others and win together.

8,819.63 ETH

Contributed to 9,804 parties by 49,278 users

Starting a Party

Anyone can start a party by simply clicking “Start a Party” and pasting the link to the NFT. See supported marketplaces here.

Joining a Party

Anyone can join a party by contributing any amount of ETH. PartyBid automatically tracks all contributions.

Winning as a Party

Once the party has enough ETH, it can place bids in auctions or make buy now purchases.

What happens after a Party buys the NFT?


The NFT is automatically fractionalized. Users claim fractional tokens proportional to the amount of ETH they contributed to the winning purchase.


Fractions allow users to vote on the NFT’s new reserve price.

Frequently asked questions

Parties can only buy NFTs that are available on:
  • Zora auctions
  • Foundation auctions
  • OpenSea Buy Now
  • Nouns
If you would like to add support for a new marketplace, please join the #developer-chat in the PartyDAO Discord and check out the PartyBid MarketWrapper, a common interface to integrate marketplaces.
PartyBid supports ERC-721 tokens. ERC-1155 purchases are not currently supported.
Currently only Ethereum is supported.
If the party has enough ETH, anyone that contributed to the party can click the bid button on the party page. Note that a party that is already in the lead cannot outbid itself. The amount a party can bid is limited to the minimum required to take the lead (5% on Zora, 10% on Foundation).
When targeting fixed price items, a party accepts only the amount of ETH required to purchase the NFT at that price. As soon as the party has enough ETH, anyone can click the buy button on the party page to buy the item instantly.
Collection parties allow users to raise any amount of ETH to buy any item within a given collection. Simply copy the collection’s OpenSea URL to start the party and assign Party Hosts. Once the party has enough ETH, any Party Host can choose which item within the collection to buy.
After a party wins, the NFT is automatically fractionalized. All users whose ETH was used to buy the item can claim ERC-20 tokens proportional to the amount they contributed. Simply go to the party page, connect your wallet and click “Claim“.

Parties are first come first serve and only users whose ETH was used to purchase the NFT can claim fractional tokens. Any remaining ETH is simply claimed back.

Here’s an example: a user contributes 10 ETH to a party that already has 50 ETH. The NFT is ultimately purchased for 55 ETH. The user will claim 5 ETH worth of fractional tokens and claim back their remaining unused 5 ETH.

You can use fractional tokens to vote on a new reserve price. Simply go to the party page and click “View on Fractional”. Once on Fractional, connect your wallet and follow the instructions to set a reserve price.

All unused ETH can be claimed back by connecting your wallet and clicking “Claim ETH”.

Note that when claiming ETH, wallets will show “0 ETH” in the transaction. This is good! Since no ETH was sent to the PartyBid smart contract. You can see the amount of ETH claimed if you look at the transaction on Etherscan in the “To:” section next to “TRANSFER”.

Check your profile page by connecting your wallet and clicking “My Parties” at the top right. You can also view any profile by clicking on a user’s name in a party’s contributor list or by typing partybid.app/profile/[0x address or ens name] into your browser.
You can token gate your party using any ERC-20 token. When starting a party, click “Token Exclusive” in the menu and enter the token’s contract address.
Party Splits allow the creator of the party to send a percentage of the resulting fractional tokens to any address. Fund a DAO treasury, send a donation or earn fees all by using PartyBid. When starting a party, click “Party Split” in the menu.
Only winning parties are charged. Fees are: 2.5% of the ETH used to purchase the NFT; and 2.5% of the resulting fractional tokens.

Kazoo is PartyDAO's mascot.